Saturday, 19 October 2013

Ramkot Fort: Mirpur ,Azad Kashmir :

Ramkot Fort: Mirpur Azad Kashmir

Ramkot Fort is an ancient fort situated in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan beside the Mangla Dam. It is accessible through boat, 13 kilometers away from Dina and 79 kilometers by road from Mirpur, Azad Kashmir to Dadyal village. The fort is a 30 minute walk from Dadyal.
Located on the summit of a hill, Ramkot Fort is built over the site of an old Hindu Shivatemple. Three sides of this hilltop are surrounded by the River Jhelum. During excavations, relics of the 5th - 9th centuries AD have been discovered near one of the temples. In the 16th - 17th centuries AD, the Muslim rulers of Kashmir in safe-guarding their boundaries built numerous forts. Ramkot, sitting near the confluence of the river Jhelum is one of them. The Sikh Maharaja of Kashmir further fortified Ramkot.

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